Nick vujicic biography

Suyash Singh

Nick vujicic biography, born, earlylife, 

nick vujicic biography
Nicholas James Vujicic turned into born four December (1982) is an Australian American Christian evangelist and motivational speaker of Serbian descent, born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare sickness characterised through the absence of legs and arms.

Early lifestyles

Nick vujicic was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1982 to Dušanka and Borislav Vujičić, Serbian immigrants from Yugoslavia.

He was born without absolutely formed limbs and he become bullied at school because of it. At one factor, he tried killing himself by way of drowning in his bath but it did now not retain. According to his autobiography, his mom refused to look him or preserve him when the nurse held him in the front of her, and he or she and her husband went out of the health facility.

Originally, the toes of one in all his ft were fused. An operation become completed to separate the toes so that he can use them as arms to grab. He refers to it as his bird drumstick.

He attended Runcorn State High School up in Queensland and has made more than one appearances there by means of doing speeches.

When he become seventeen years antique, Vujicic's mother showed him a newspaper article about a female praying with a extreme disability; he then started out to present talks at his prayer group. Vujicic graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a Bachelor of Commerce degree, with a double important in accountancy and economic making plans.

In 2005, Vujicic founded Life Without Limbs, an international non-profit company and ministry. In 2007, he founded Attitude is Altitude, an earthly motivational speaking agency.

Vujicic starred in the short film The Butterfly Circus. At the 2010 Method Fest Independent Film Festival, he become awarded Best Actor in a Short Film for his starring performance as nicely.

Personal life

On nine March 2002, he moved to California. In 2008 in McKinney, Texas, close to Dallas, he met Kanae Miyahara. They married on February 12, 2012. The couple has two sons and two daughters, and live in Southern California.

Without any limbs, he's able to kind 43 words in line with minute on a pc.


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