florence nightingale biography

Suyash Singh

 Florence nightingale born, earlylife, Career,

Florence Nightingale ;(12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910) turned into an English social reformer, statistician and the founding father of modern nursing. Nightingale got here to prominence at the same time as serving as a manager and teacher of nurses all through the Crimean War, wherein she organised care for wounded soldiers at Constantinople. She significantly reduced demise costs by improving hygiene and dwelling requirements. Nightingale gave nursing a favourable popularity and have become an icon of Victorian lifestyle, mainly in the persona of "The Lady with the Lamp" making rounds of wounded infantrymen at night time.

Recent commentators have asserted that Nightingale's Crimean War achievements had been exaggerated by way of the media at the time, however critics agree on the importance of her later work in professionalising nursing roles for girls. In 1860, she laid the foundation of expert nursing with the status quo of her nursing college at St Thomas' Hospital in London. It was the first secular nursing college within the international and is now a part of King's College London. In recognition of her pioneering work in nursing, the Nightingale Pledge taken with the aid of new nurses, and the Florence Nightingale Medal, the best worldwide distinction a nurse can reap, have been named in her honour, and the annual International Nurses Day is celebrated on her birthday. Her social reforms protected improving healthcare for all sections of British society, advocating better hunger alleviation in India, helping to abolish prostitution legal guidelines that had been harsh for women, and expanding the suitable varieties of girl participation in the body of workers.

Nightingale become a pioneer in statistics; she represented her evaluation in graphical paperwork to ease drawing conclusions and actionables from statistics. She is well-known for usage of the polar location diagram, also known as the Nightingale rose diagram, equal to a current round histogram. This diagram is still regularly utilized in records visualisation.

Nightingale become a prodigious and flexible author. In her lifetime, a whole lot of her published work changed into involved with spreading scientific information. Some of her tracts were written in easy English in order that they might effortlessly be understood by means of people with bad literary abilties. She changed into also a pioneer in records visualisation with the usage of infographics, the use of graphical displays of statistical facts in an powerful manner. Much of her writing, along with her enormous paintings on religion and mysticism, has handiest been published posthumously.

Early Life-

Florence Nightingale was born on 12 May 1820 into a wealthy and well-connected British family at the Villa Colombaia, in Florence, Tuscany, Italy, and was named after the city of her birth. Florence's older sister Frances Parthenope had similarly been named after her place of birth, Parthenope, a Greek settlement now part of the city of Naples. The family moved back to England in 1821, with Nightingale being brought up in the family's homes at Embley, Hampshire, and Lea Hurst, Derbyshire.

Florence inherited a liberal-humanitarian outlook from both sides of her family. Her parents were William Edward Nightingale, born William Edward Shore (1794–1874) and Frances ("Fanny") Nightingale (née Smith; 1788–1880). William's mother Mary (née Evans) was the niece of Peter Nightingale, under the terms of whose will William inherited his estate at Lea Hurst, and assumed the name and arms of Nightingale. Fanny's father (Florence's maternal grandfather) was the abolitionist and Unitarian William Smith. Nightingale's father educated her.

A BBC documentary reported that "Florence and her older sister Parthenope benefited from their father's advanced ideas about women's education. They studied history, mathematics, Italian, classical literature, and philosophy, and from an early age Florence, who was the more academic of the two girls, displayed an extraordinary ability for collecting and analysing data which she would use to great effect in later life.

In 1838, her father took the family on a tour in Europe where she became introduced to the English-born Parisian hostess Mary Clarke, with whom Florence bonded. She recorded that "Clarkey" changed into a stimulating hostess who did not care for her appearance, and even as her ideas did now not constantly trust the ones of her guests, "she become incapable of dull everybody." Her behaviour became stated to be exasperating and kooky and she had little admire for upper-magnificence British ladies, whom she appeared usually as inconsequential. She said that if given the selection among being a lady or a galley slave, then she could pick the freedom of the galleys. She generally rejected lady organization and spent her time with male intellectuals. Clarke made an exception, however, in the case of the Nightingale circle of relatives and Florence specially. She and Florence were to remain near buddies for forty years regardless of their 27-12 months age difference. Clarke demonstrated that women may be equals to men, an concept that Florence had now not learnt from her mother.

Nightingale underwent the first of numerous reports that she believed had been calls from God in February 1837 even as at Embley Park, prompting a robust preference to dedicate her existence to the provider of others. In her young people she was respectful of her circle of relatives's competition to her working as a nurse, simplest pronouncing her choice to go into the sphere in 1844. Despite the anger and misery of her mother and sister, she rejected the expected role for a female of her fame to grow to be a wife and mom. Nightingale worked hard to teach herself within the art and technological know-how of nursing, inside the face of opposition from her family and the restrictive social code for prosperous younger English ladies.

Painting of Nightingale by means of Augustus Egg, c. 1840s

As a young girl, Nightingale turned into defined as attractive, narrow, and sleek. While her demeanour was frequently extreme, she became said to be very captivating and to possess a radiant smile. Her maximum continual suitor turned into the baby-kisser and poet Richard Monckton Milnes, but after a 9-year courtship, she rejected him, convinced that marriage might intervene with her capability to observe her calling to nursing.

Crimean War-

Florence Nightingale's most famous contribution got here all through the Crimean War, which became her primary cognizance while reviews were given back to Britain about the horrific situations for the wounded at the military sanatorium at the Asiatic aspect of the Bosporus, opposite Constantinople, at Scutari (cutting-edge-day Üsküdar in Istanbul). Britain and France entered the warfare towards Russia on the facet of the Ottoman Empire. On 21 October 1854, she and the team of workers of 38 ladies volunteer nurses including her head nurse Eliza Roberts and her aunt Mai Smith, and 15 Catholic nuns (mobilised through Henry Edward Manning) were sent (beneath the authorisation of Sidney Herbert) to the Ottoman Empire. On the manner, Nightingale turned into assisted in Paris with the aid of her friend Mary Clarke. The volunteer nurses worked approximately 295 nautical miles (546 km; 339 mi) faraway from the principle British camp across the Black Sea at Balaklava, inside the Crimea.

Later Career -

In the Crimea on 29 November 1855, the Nightingale Fund become set up for the training of nurses all through a public assembly to understand Nightingale for her work within the conflict. There was an outpouring of generous donations. Sidney Herbert served as honorary secretary of the fund and the Duke of Cambridge changed into chairman. In her 1856 letters she defined spas in the Ottoman Empire, detailing the fitness situations, bodily descriptions, nutritional facts, and other vital info of patients whom she directed there. She cited that the remedy there was appreciably much less luxurious than in Switzerland.


Although a great deal of Nightingale's work stepped forward the lot of ladies anywhere, Nightingale believed that women craved sympathy and have been now not as capable as men. She criticised early girls's rights activists for decrying an alleged loss of careers for ladies at the identical time that beneficial scientific positions, underneath the supervision of Nightingale and others, went always unfilled. She favored the friendship of powerful guys, insisting they'd executed more than women to help her acquire her goals, writing: "I actually have never located one woman who has altered her existence by using one iota for me or my critiques. She frequently mentioned herself within the masculine, as for instance "a man of movement" and "a man of business".

However, she did have several important and lengthy-lasting friendships with women. Later in life, she stored up a prolonged correspondence with Irish nun Sister Mary Clare Moore, with whom she had worked in Crimea. Her maximum loved confidante was Mary Clarke, an Englishwoman she met in Paris in 1837 and stored in touch with during her existence.

Some scholars of Nightingale's existence accept as true with that she remained chaste for her complete existence, possibly because she felt a spiritual calling to her career.


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